Environmental management ISO 14001

Environmental management and environmental management systems (EMS)

Climate change, the energy crisis, the greenhouse effect, rainforest destruction, bushfires, flooding, lack of resources and much more make environmental management more important than ever. All of these environmental issues also affect companies. They are therefore increasingly required to deal with the environment, because every company has a responsibility to protect its employees and the environment.

The introduction of corporate environmental management is an essential basis for sustainable and future-oriented action for all organizations and ultimately not only serves to protect people and nature, but also promotes profitability and competitiveness, reduces costs and saves resources.

For many organizations, environmental management systems (EMS for short) in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001 or EMAS are therefore already a matter of course. They voluntarily go one step further and beyond legal requirements.

A holistic environmental management system bundles all environmental protection activities and covers not only production processes, energy and material consumption or emissions, but also waste or waste water as well as the behavior of employees, suppliers and partners.

In this context, terms such as life cycle assessment and carbon footprint also play a role, as these concepts balance the environmental impact of products, processes or company divisions and thus provide the basis for measures to improve environmental management.

Why environmental management & environmental management systems?

Environmental management ISO 14001 offers organizations the following advantages, among others:

  • Identification and reduction of environmental risks
  • Reduction of materials
  • Reduction of pollutants and hazardous substances and therefore less impact on the environment
  • Cost reduction through resource conservation
  • Increased legal certainty through evaluation and fulfillment of legal requirements and conditions
  • Involvement of employees, customers and suppliers
  • Improved image and increased competitiveness
  • Advantage in various contract awards & simplification of inspection obligations for official inspections, as customers prefer or require an existing environmental management system
  • Reduced insurance premiums by reducing accident and liability risks
  • Increased insurance and creditworthiness
  • Increased employee motivation through stronger identification with company activities and sensitization of employees to environmental protection issues

Our services at a glance

  • Support with the introduction of an environmental management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001
  • As-is assessment
  • Recommendations for action
  • Development of a hazardous substances register
  • Review of legal regulations

Frequently asked questions

An environmental management system (EMS) is a systematic approach to identifying environmental aspects, assessing environmental impacts and implementing measures to continuously improve environmental protection in an organization. It is based on the international ISO 14001 standard and serves to minimize environmental risks, use resources more efficiently and ensure compliance with legal regulations.

An environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 offers numerous advantages for organizations, including:

  • Identification and reduction of environmental risks
  • Cost reduction through resource conservation
  • Increased legal certainty through compliance with statutory regulations
  • Improved image and increased competitiveness
  • Involvement of employees, customers and suppliers
  • Reduced insurance premiums and improved creditworthiness
  • Increased employee motivation and awareness of environmental protection issues

ISO 14001 and EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) are two different standards for environmental management systems. ISO 14001 is an international standard, while EMAS is a European system. The main difference is that EMAS has stricter requirements and, in addition to ISO 14001, requires the regular publication of an environmental statement and the performance of an environmental audit.

The introduction of an environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 generally comprises the following steps:

  • Assessment and analysis of existing environmental aspects and impacts
  • Development of an environmental management system that meets the requirements of ISO 14001
  • Implementation of the system through training, communication and definition of responsibilities
  • Monitoring and measuring the performance of the environmental management system
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the system and continuous improvement through corrective action and review

The duration of the introduction of an environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 can vary depending on the size and complexity of the organization. It is a continuous process that requires time and commitment. It usually takes several months to a year to successfully implement a complete environmental management system.

No, environmental management systems according to ISO 14001 are suitable for organizations in all industries and sectors. From manufacturing to the service sector to public institutions, companies and organizations of all sizes can benefit from implementing an environmental management system. ISO 14001 is flexible and adaptable to meet the individual needs and requirements of different industries.

Yes, there are various options for financial support and funding programs for companies that want to introduce an environmental management system. Depending on the country and region, government agencies, environmental authorities or other institutions may offer financial incentives, grants or consultancy services to help companies implement environmental protection measures. It is worth researching such programs and obtaining information from the relevant bodies.