PPP news

Learn more about the latest software developments and services as well as current activities of PPP. In addition, we are dedicated to various topics on digitalization and would like to draw your attention to current and interesting developments in this area.

Three pairs of hands are carefully holding a miniature earth for a scientific health check with little clouds above it.

How sustainable corporate strategies promote economic growth

Without sustainability, almost nothing works in companies today.…

Ecodesign Regulation: New rules for sustainable products in force

New rules apply in the EU to make sustainable products the norm…

ESG and Austria’s banks – the pressure is mounting

Back in January 2023, the Austrian Financial Market Authority…
Menschen verschiedener Hautfarben legen ihre Hände zusammen über der EU Flagge um eine Einigung zu zeigen.

CSRD implementation in Germany – delays, challenges and opportunities

In Germany and many other EU countries, national implementation…
Bauklötze auf denen CO2 production steht, werden so umgedreht, dass nun CO2 reduction steht.

Scandal surrounding fake CO2 projects spreads

New investigation results show: 45 climate projects in China…

Biodiversity at a glance: Opportunities through the life cycle assessment

Alongside advancing climate change, the loss of biodiversity…

Green AI: The future of sustainable corporate management

Smart, green and helpful for improving the sustainability and…

Consumers are Willing to Pay More for Sustainable Products

Concerns about the environment are on the rise due to extreme…
Menschen verschiedener Hautfarben legen ihre Hände zusammen über der EU Flagge um eine Einigung zu zeigen.

EU Strikes a Blow Against Greenwashing: Your Consumer Rights Matter

The European Union has just made a groundbreaking decision to…
Three pairs of hands are carefully holding a miniature earth for a scientific health check with little clouds above it.

Planet Earth’s Scientific Health Check: A Wake-Up Call!

A recent study reveals that Earth is failing the "scientific…

CSDDD: EU Parliament votes for stricter EU supply chain law

The EU supply chain law continues to take shape: On June 1, the…

Sustainability as an opportunity

A guest article by Uwe Beyer, employee of the Fraunhofer Institute…

Ecological footprint

Measuring your personal carbon footprint - this is how it wo…

What does a factory have to have to be CO2 neutral?

Industry wants to become sustainable and climate-neutral. But…

New technology from the DBU: More environmental protection with scrap metal

The waste disposal and recycling company Alba commissioned an…

Pharmacies are not doing enough for climate protection

According to a report by the ViaMedica Foundation commissioned…

EU states decide to cut CO₂ pollution rights

Europe's CO₂ emissions must fall. That's why the EU member…

Compensation of German managers is lagging behind

Nowhere in Europe do so few companies tie executive compensation…

Consulting – Life Cycle Assessments & Corporate Carbon Footprint

Topics such as life cycle assessment and corporate carbon footprints…

CO₂ certificates: Greenwashing in the African savannah

If companies want to achieve the climate targets they have set…

Our DNK-Reporting for 2022 is online

We have set ourselves the goal of continuously reviewing, reducing…

Still too much Excel: deficits in ESG reporting in medium-sized companies

Medium-sized companies also have to deal more intensively with…

ESG activities in medium-sized companies: goals, drivers and risks

Medium-sized companies also need a strategy for their ESG activities.…

What makes people care about the environment?

A new study analyzes the factors that drive environmental concern…

Software from PPP: Occupational Safety Software HSEasyM

Together with the HSE team, we have developed the HSEasyM software…

How companies can take care of the ecological footprint

As a company for sustainable consulting and software offerings…

Successfully changing society

The current ecological, economic and social challenges necessitate…

Transformation researcher Maja Göpel: “We are facing the greatest adventure of mankind”

Maja Göpel is considered one of the smartest minds in Germany…

Twin Transformation: Thinking digitization and sustainability together

Many decision-makers focus too much on increasing efficiency…

Carve Out: When Companies Split Up for Sustainability

Sustainable companies are in demand. Many investors no longer…

How environmentally conscious are Germans really? How to add more sustainability to your portfolio!

According to Angelika Breinich-Schilly of Springer Fachmedien,…

Business and politics fear overburdening of companies by new EU rules

A recently adopted EU directive stipulates that significantly…

Sustainability presents auditors with a tricky task

Leading auditors support the goal proclaimed by politicians to…

CDU and CSU no longer want to rule out CO2 storage in Germany

The Union calls on the government to use carbon dioxide industrially…

New solar-powered technology can transform plastic waste into sustainable fuels and cosmetics

  Researchers at the University of Cambridge have developed…

Pune civic body constitutes Climate Action Cell to achieve carbon neutrality

In its bid to reduce carbon emissions in the city, the Pune Municipal…


Torsten van Dullemen is general manager of the Mandarin Oriental…

78% Sustainability Managers Say Their Company’s Leadership Treating Sustainability Initiatives as a Priority

Pure Storage® (NYSE: PSTG), the IT pioneer that delivers the…

Chief Sustainability Officer and Co: Sustainability as a management job

Something to do with the environment – ​​that is the answer…

Why a sustainability strategy is critical to sales in 2023

In many parts of the world, we are hitting the holiday season…

In 2023, the landlords will have to pay the CO2 tax

The CO2 tax is due when heating with oil or natural gas. So far,…

Sustainability: EU Parliament confirms reporting requirements for EU companies

In the future, large companies in the European Union will have…

Trade liberalization for environmental goods would reduce CO2 emissions

According to the World Trade Organization (WTO), the CO2 footprint…

Self-employed in the corona crisis: the more digitized, the more confident

The emergency aid for the self-employed in the corona pandemic…

New sustainability era for precious metals: CO2-neutral gold bars from Germany

The idea of sustainability is becoming more and more present…

Sustainability in construction

On Friday, November 4th, the "Political Association Buntspecht"…

Is digitization embedded in all growth strategies of your company?

According to the new survey by research and consulting firm Gartner,…

Less increase in CO2 emissions

This year, the global increase in CO2 emissions is likely to…

Shaping sustainability and digitization together for the future of Europe

On October 18, 2022, the 10th German-Spanish Forum on the topic:…

ICAO: CO2 neutrality by 2050

Globally, aviation causes only about 2.7% of all CO2 emissions…

This is how sustainability can be implemented in the industry

There are around 23,000 companies in the manufacturing sector…

Sustainable composites improve the CO2 balance

By 2050, Europe is set to become the first climate-neutral continent.…

Mineral raw materials are becoming a bottleneck factor in the energy transition

The International Energy Agency (IEA) published an in-depth report…

Strengthening IT skills central to achieving digital sovereignty

Germany can be digital! campaign focuses on digital education …

biodiversity and business

Biodiversity and business - Biodiversity and the associated ecosystem…

Sustainability strategy overhauled: Sustainability Council welcomes new focus on the major transformation topics

Berlin, March 10, 2021 - In a first statement, the German Council…

Compass for a sustainable future

A future in which nature and the climate are protected, fewer…

Supply chain law: EU Parliament pushes for “fair” IT

Electronics manufacturers must no longer be allowed to harm people…

Sustainability strategy overhauled: Sustainability Council welcomes new focus on the major transformation topics

In a first statement, the German Council for Sustainable Development…

Are you really investing in a smaller carbon footprint?

Do corporate carbon emissions data enable investors to mitigate…

“Digital Now” – New funding for the digitization of SMEs

To make it easier for SMEs to implement digitization, the new…

Germany exceeds climate target

The Corona crisis has put a big dent in Germany’s greenhouse…

What are the CO2 emissions of a New Year’s Eve rocket?

Admittedly, finding reliable figures on this is difficult. But…

Bundestag decides Extension of deadline for the registration of third party quantities

On 17.12.2020, the amendment of the EEG was passed by the Bundestag.…

PeoplePlanetProfit become an Associate member of ResponsibleSteel

We have been a proud ResponsibleSteel member since December 2020.…
CO2-Preisrechner für UnternehmenCC0 auf Pixabay

CO2 price calculator for companies

As part of the German government’s climate package, it has…
Kompetenzzentrum IT-Wirtschaft begleitet den IT-Mittelstand für weitere zwei JahreStefano Lissa from Pexels

Project extension: Competence Center IT Economy accompanies IT SMEs for another two years

Mittelstand 4.0 Competence Center IT Economy enters second…
Digital-Gipfel der BundesregierungBITMi

Federal government’s digital summit: IT SMEs can play key role for sustainability

The two megatrends of sustainability and digitization were discussed…
Treibhausgase steigen trotz Lockdown_300x116Foto-Rabe auf Pixabay

Greenhouse gases rise to new record high worldwide despite lockdown

Despite travel restrictions, flight bans and border closures,…
Förderbekanntmachung des BMWi zur IT-SicherheitPixabay auf Pexels

Funding announcement of the BMWi for IT security

Funding is provided for individual or joint projects that …
Regulierung künstlicher Intelligenz bremst Digitalisierung ausComputerizer auf Pixabay

How artificial intelligence regulation is slowing down digitization

In the future, AI will be in every digital device, from blenders…
BITMi HerbstprognoseGerd Altmann auf Pixabay

BITMi on autumn forecast: IT SMEs concerned about new lockdown

Partial shutdown could put the brakes back on economic recovery …
Lebensmittelreste werden zu EnergieAnna Shvets from Pexels

Food scraps become energy

Food waste is a problem. But the Refood company in Genthin has…
PPP ist 5 JahreMiguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels

PPP is 5

We would like to thank you for your loyalty and solidarity. Without…

Blockchain application examples Explanatory videos from PPP

We explain how you can use the blockchain and integrate it into…

PPP at the IHK event on the subject of energy transition

Join us at the IHK event “Energy transition – New business…

Automatic sensor data storage by using blockchain technology

In one project, we investigated how sensor data can be automatically…