Three pairs of hands are carefully holding a miniature earth for a scientific health check with little clouds above it.

How sustainable corporate strategies promote economic growth

Without sustainability, almost nothing works in companies today. According to a study by the Bertelsmann Foundation (Sustainability Transformation Monitor 2023), 84% of responsible employees in companies say that the topic has become more important. Sustainable corporate strategies are therefore far more than mere ecological responsibility.


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Ecodesign Regulation: New rules for sustainable products in force

New rules apply in the EU to make sustainable products the norm in the EU internal market and reduce their overall environmental and climate impact. They came into force on July 18, 2024. Building on the successes of the Ecodesign Directive, the new Ecodesign Regulation for sustainable products will ensure that products last longer, use energy and resources more efficiently, are easier to repair and recycle and contain more recycled materials.


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ESG and Austria’s banks – the pressure is mounting

Back in January 2023, the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) published its analysis of the current implementation status of the consideration of sustainability and, in particular, sustainability risks on the Austrian financial market. The result: room for improvement.


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Menschen verschiedener Hautfarben legen ihre Hände zusammen über der EU Flagge um eine Einigung zu zeigen.

CSRD implementation in Germany – delays, challenges and opportunities

In Germany and many other EU countries, national implementation of the CSRD is stalling. What are the reasons for the delay? What deadlines now apply to companies and what does this mean for their planning?


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Bauklötze auf denen CO2 production steht, werden so umgedreht, dass nun CO2 reduction steht.

Scandal surrounding fake CO2 projects spreads

New investigation results show: 45 climate projects in China are suspected of being faked. Germany’s Environment Minister Lemke announces consequences.


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Biodiversity at a glance: Opportunities through the life cycle assessment

Alongside advancing climate change, the loss of biodiversity is one of the most pressing social challenges of our time. Economic activities are a major contributor to the extinction of species on a global and local level at a rate that has led scientists to speak of a new mass extinction.


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Green AI: The future of sustainable corporate management

Smart, green and helpful for improving the sustainability and competitiveness of SMEs.

The growing urgency for companies in all sectors to develop their own sustainability initiatives and quickly implement the necessary transformation processes is making itself felt both nationally and internationally.


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Consumers are Willing to Pay More for Sustainable Products

Concerns about the environment are on the rise due to extreme weather events. Consumers are willing to make changes and pay an average of 12% more for sustainable products. However, a study by Bain & Company reveals that over 60% of businesses are falling behind in meeting their sustainability goals This is highlighting the pressing need for a comprehensive approach involving technology, policy, and behavior change. In this context, an increasingly conscious base of consumers and employees can play a crucial role in driving the progress. Discover the surprising insights, such as the willingness of consumers to pay more for sustainable products and the misconceptions surrounding sustainability. Explore how companies can devise future-proof and flexible strategies, acknowledge the diversity of consumer segments, leverage marketing experimentation, and proactively engage with changing regulations. This article also emphasizes the importance of upskilling employees to effectively embed sustainability into business operations and outlines how Bain is leading by example in this regard through its partnership with world-class universities. Don’t miss the opportunity to delve into these compelling insights and learn how your organization can navigate the evolving landscape of sustainability successfully.

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Menschen verschiedener Hautfarben legen ihre Hände zusammen über der EU Flagge um eine Einigung zu zeigen.

EU Strikes a Blow Against Greenwashing: Your Consumer Rights Matter

The European Union has just made a groundbreaking decision to crack down against greenwashing. If you care about transparency, sustainability, and holding businesses accountable – you won’t want to miss this. Learn how these new regulations will empower consumers and bring integrity to product labeling in the full article here:

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Three pairs of hands are carefully holding a miniature earth for a scientific health check with little clouds above it.

Planet Earth’s Scientific Health Check: A Wake-Up Call!

A recent study reveals that Earth is failing the “scientific health check.” Six out of nine planetary boundaries are pushed beyond limits that are safe for humans. This includes climate, water resources, and biodiversity, raising urgent calls for climate and environmental action to restore stability.  Discover more critical climate news in this roundup of the World Economic Forum.

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